Tip : Help Prevent Identity Theft - While nothing can guarantee that you won't become a victim of identity theft, you can take specific steps to minimize your risk Click to see more...... (1)
| • Shred financial documents and paper work with personal information. • Protect your Social Security number. • Never click on links sent in unsolicited emails. • Don’t use an obvious password. • Don’t give out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or over the Internet unless you have initiated the contact. Detect: • Be alert to signs that require immediate attention; bills that do not arrive as expected, unexpected credit cards or account statements. • Inspect your credit report, your financial statements, and order your credit report. Defend: • Place a "fraud alert" on your credit reports, and review the reports carefully. • Close any account that has been compromised. • File a police report. • Report your complaint to the Federal Trade Commission.
| Tip : Office security - Designate only a few employees that are allowed to open and lock your office at the start and end of the business day. Click to see more.. (1)
| 1. Ideally, entrance doors should only be unlocked when someone is there to monitor who is coming and going. Part of the closing procedure should include checking areas such as closets and restrooms where persons could hide. If it is necessary to accommodate employees arriving and departing before or after reception coverage, install electronic card access on one (or more) access doors. 2. Where electronic access control is in place, issue access cards on the basis of 'least access to perform a specific job function'. Twenty-four hour, 7-day-a-week access should only be assigned to employees who really require it as part of their job function. Delete missing, lost, or stolen cards immediately. Review access records regularly and follow-up on cards that are not used on a frequent basis. If cards cannot be accounted for, they should be deleted. 3. Request employees to wear their access cards as a method of making strangers stand out. To discourage unwanted visitors, install video surveillance systems at entrances. 4. To help prevent theft of proprietary information, a 'clean desk' policy should be instituted. The use of a self-inspection checklist can encourage employees to keep their desks clean, and secure sensitive data when they leave their work area unattended. 5. Losses due to theft can be reduced by adhering to the following: a. Encourage employees to only bring items to work that are replaceable and have no emotional value. b. Purses left in unlocked, lower right hand drawers, and wallets left in unattended suit/coat pockets, are easy targets for 'sneak' thieves. c. Wallets and purses should be kept in a locked metal drawer when unattended. d. Lock-up the postage meter, check writer, and company check books when they are going to be left unattended. e. If petty cash on hand is over $500.00, use money safe. Otherwise, use a metal cash box and lock it in a metal filing cabinet in the inner office at night. 6. Laptops and PC's are prime choices for thieves. Preventing computer theft begins with an effective reception security program to keep 'opportunistic' thieves and pre-attack 'probers' out. Where the use of a full-time receptionist cannot be justified, a restricted-use telephone, internal telephone directory, and appropriate signage should be located outside a suitable access door. Phone directories, which can be accessed by thieves, should not list job titles or departments. Criminals will often use the names of senior company officials to justify what they are doing. PC's in areas accessible to the general public, such as the mail room, reception, shipping/receiving etc., should be secured with cable locks or plate locks (preferable). Hopefully, this will give thieves the impression that all computers in the office are protected. Installing secure docking stations, on roller shelves that can be rolled into lockable furniture when the employee is leaving his/her work area, best protects laptops. If employees spend most of their time in the office, issuing them a PC instead of a laptop can mitigate the risk of laptop theft. 7.Keys should be stamped with a number and signed for when issued. At least annually, employees should be asked to produce the key(s) that they were originally issued/signed for. Issuance of 'master' keys should be kept to a minimum. Keys being issued to contractors and cleaners should be signed 'in' and 'out' on a daily basis. Where this is not practical, consider purchasing an automated key control cabinet. 8. When issuing access cards to contractors, they should be programmed to provide the' least access necessary to perform a specific job function'. For example, evening cleaners should typically receive cards that only work between 5:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Also, their cards should only work in a designated area or certain floors. When contractors' cards are not restricted, they become a major exposure if they become lost, missing, or stolen. Contractor cards that are being signed 'in' and 'out' should be audited daily. 9. Secure stairwells either by installing suitable electronic locking devices and card readers. Where cross-over floors cannot be 'maglocked', consider renovating the floor so that they are located outside of the protected area. Secured stairwells should be wired into your fire system to meet fire codes ensuring that they will unlock in case of fire. 10. Install video surveillance cameras by all entrances. The installation of security cameras coupled with an access control system will also improve the comfort level of employees who work late. | Tip : Pedestrian Safety- One of the most dangerous things for state employees to do is cross the street to access facilities because of the numerous distractions that our computer age has provided for us. Click to see more....... (1)
| For Pedestrians: Walk Smart • Be predictable. Stay off freeways and restricted zones. Use sidewalks where provided. Cross or enter streets where it is legal to do so.
• Crosswalks and traffic lights don’t stop cars! The WALK signal does not mean it is safe to cross. It only means it is your turn to cross. Check to make sure all traffic has come to a stop before crossing.
• Look before stepping past stopped vehicles—They may be blocking your view of moving traffic.
• Wear bright clothes to be seen day or night. At night, wear reflective materials.
• Always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, always walk on the side of the road facing traffic.
• Stand on the side of the road while waiting for the bus and always stand at least 10 feet away from where the bus will stop.
• Alcohol and drugs can impair your ability to walk safely, just like they do a person's ability to drive.
• Try to make eye contact with the driver(s) to make sure they see you before you begin to cross For Drivers: Do Your Part • Always come to a complete stop at the stop line.
• Stop for pedestrians who are in a crosswalk, even if it is not marked. When you stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, stop well back so that drivers in the other lanes can also see the pedestrian in time to stop.
• Be especially attentive around schools and in neighborhoods where children are active.
• When you are turning, you often will have to wait for a "gap" in traffic. Beware that while you are watching for that "gap," pedestrians may have moved into your intended path.
• Be extra attentive and slow down in school and work zones where increased pedestrian presence is likely.
• Keep your windshield clean for maximum visibility.
| Tip : Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Tips (1)
| Slips, trips and falls are the second most common cause of accidental deaths each year, second only to traffic accidents. And while fatalities are not always the outcome; painful, sometime debilitating injuries often result from slips, trips and falls. The good news is many of these injuries are preventable through simple safety precautions.
At this time of year, wind, rain and snow all play a part in the increased frequency of slips, trips and falls. As we continue in the cold, wet winter months, it is more critical than ever to take steps to avoid these types of injuries. Parking Lots: Statistics show that almost 80 percent of slips and falls are due to snow and ice occur in parking lots and on sidewalks, with more than 50 percent occurring between 6 a.m. and noon. Take special caution while in parking lots in the morning. Appropriate Footwear: Appropriate footwear in inclement weather can’t be overemphasized. If you prefer to wear slick-soled or high-heeled shoes, you may want to bring along an extra pair of tennis shoes for crossing the parking lot. When You Can’t Avoid It: If you must walk on a slippery surface, slow down, take small steps, and keep a hand free for balance. Spills: Wet surfaces are a huge risk. Mop and dry spills immediately. Place caution signage in problem areas until dry. Be Smart: Take only what you can carry to maintain balance. Use handrails. Slow down and watch for hazards.
| Tip : Suspicious activity - Citizens, households, schools and communities have received a call to action that is reasonable for a nation facing new threats and challenges Click to see more..... (1)
| Be vigilant
Take sensible precautions
Remain productive
The campaign message is as simple as "Be Cautious and Alert." Do those things that are practical and appropriate to your setting and don't let fear of terrorism interfere with your life mission. At the heart of prevention are watching out, helping out, protecting yourself, reporting and creating neighborhoods and communities in which citizens are active and contribute. Any threat or risk that put lives in immediate danger is an emergency and should be reported to your local law enforcement agency by calling 9-1-1. Be prepared to provide the 911 operator with the following information: Exact location of the threat or danger you observed As much detail as you can provide about the emergency; Try to stay calm and take note of the circumstances of the event, including physical descriptions of the perpetrators, license plate numbers and directions of travel
If a person is injured, tell the dispatcher as much as possible about how the injury happened and the person's condition In non-emergencies you have a great asset to draw upon - your experience - when deciding what is suspicious. You know what is normal for your neighborhood, workplace and daily routines. If a behavior or an event seems to be outside the norm or is frightening, let law enforcement authorities know. When reporting suspicious activity it is helpful to give the most accurate description possible of the situation including persons you observed, vehicles that were involved, the cause of your concern and where any suspicious persons have gone. Try to remember the exact time and place that you witnessed the suspicious activity. Contact your local law enforcement agency and office of homeland security in the event you are told of, overhear or observe someone: Discussing a future plan for a terrorist act
Using a gun or other weapon in an unlawful manner
Discussing mail or delivery of a dangerous package or letter
Discussing a bomb or explosive device
Planning to release a poisonous substance into the air, water or food supply
Bragging or talking about killing or harming citizens in terrorist attacks or claiming membership in an organization that espouses killing innocent people
Engaging in a suspicious activity, such as someone unfamiliar to you loitering in a parking garage. | Tip : Theft from Auto (1)
| Most vehicle crime is opportunistic and therefore preventable. By following some straightforward advice, and working together, we can ensure that this type of crime is reduced. Some of the advice may sound obvious and rather simple but it could make all the difference if you follow it consistently. The cost and the time you must spend on repairs, replacement of stolen items can be easily prevented by following some simple tips. Tips to prevent thefts from your vehicle.
Remove all Valuables - Never leave ANYTHING on display when you leave your vehicle. Even loose change, cigarettes, cigarette lighters, sunglasses, CD’s, GPS's, cell phones, stereos, cameras, and clothing, if they can see it they will steal it. Park Safely - When parking at home, always use your garage if you have one, and lock both your vehicle and your garage. If you don't have a garage, try to park in a well-lit, open place. When parking at work or your local mall, park in a well-lit open place. Remove Portable Accessories - Removing stereo face plates and locking them in the trunk or taking them with you, will deter thieves. Get an Alarm Installed - Alarms can deter thieves not only from stealing items from your vehicle, but also from stealing your vehicle. Even if you have an alarm installed NEVER, NEVER, NEVER leave anything in your vehicle. Thieves can smash a window, reach in grab an item and be gone in seconds, before your alarm is even activated. Caution is needed that you do not set your alarm to sensitive. Storms, wind, large trucks passing by your vehicle can set it off. Use a Steering Locking Device - Use a steering wheel lock every time you leave your vehicle. A vehicle that is well secured has a tendency to deter criminals. A steering wheel lock will also deter theft of your vehicle. | Tip : Vehicle security- Vehicle security not only pertains to your vehicle it also applies to you when entering or exiting your vehicle. Click to see more......... (1)
| Park vehicles in well-lit areas. Do not patronize parking lots where car doors must be left unlocked and keys surrendered; otherwise surrender only the ignition key. Allow items to be placed in or removed from the trunk only in your presence.
When parked in a residential garage, turn the garage light on and lock the vehicle and garage door.
Equip the gas tank with a locking gas cap. The hood-locking device must be controlled from inside the vehicle. Visually check the front and rear passenger compartments before entering the vehicle.
Select a reliable service station for vehicle service.
Keep doors locked while vehicle is in use.
Be alert for vehicles that appear to be following you.
When traveling by vehicle, plan ahead. Know the locations of police stations, fire departments and busy shopping centers. Use a different schedule and route of travel each day. If followed, drive to a police station, fire department, or busy shopping center. Sound the horn to attract attention.
Do not stop to assist stranded motorist. Report the incident by phone instead.